About Sprout

Sprout was based on a grant funded project known as 'babysteps' and planned to move from grant funded project into the nonprofit space. For this reason we focused much of our research on marketing and branding of nonproftis. During this time we performed surveys about people's charitable donation habits. We also had plenty of primary literature to review that was produced by babysteps.This is some text inside of a div block.


  • Personas
  • Research
  • Logos and Brand Identiy
  • User Stories
  • High Fidelity Prototype
  • Front-End HTML/CSS
  • Promotional Video


  • Google Surveys
  • Balsamiq Mockups
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Premiere

Research & Persona Creation

This was a unique case in that we already had much of the data about the users was provided to us from Babysteps - so the user research portion, came down mostly do running the numbers and creating personas from it. However, we quickly realized there was a second set of stakeholders in play that would require additional information - the donors.

We created a survey and sifted through the 247 survey responses in order to create our second persona. In the end we developed two personas one for users and one for donors.
Tara, the Activist
"In this political climate, supporting the causes we beleive in is more important than ever. However, I need to know that my money is going somewhere trustworthy and competant in order to be sure that the right people are benefitting from my donations."
Amy, the Working Mother
""I need support from community and family in order to ensure my own family's health. I rely on my family and peer network for support with difficulty raising a child with developmental disabilities."

Creating User Stories

One of the most important parts of creating a user experience is creating empahty with your stakeholders. One of the many ways in which I accomplish this is by creating user stories. Below is one of several user stories created in order to understand the users and their motivations.
Here we see how Amy might use Sprout as a tool for helping her son continue to develop, if he is slightly behind his peers.

Brand Development

One of the key takeaways from our research on developmental tracking for children is that parents are often afraid of their children being "behind", they worry that this signifies there is something developmentally wrong with their children. Because of this we wanted to use branding and design to give the application a fun and inviting feel.

After some discussion of ways we could encourage parents to use the application and make it fun, rather than scary or intimidating we had the idea of gamifying the experience. Parents track their childrens development and receive experience in on of the five developmental categories and help their "cuties" grow.

The "cuties" system includes five cuties to help you and your child track development as well as suggest activities that might help your child grow in that particular catagory.The cuties have clever nicknames in order to associate them with the five developmental categories: Walker - Gross motor skills, Holden - Fine motor skills, Gabby - Speech and Language, Buddy - Social and Emotional, and finally Curie - for cognative development.
Sprout Logo & Cuties
Walker - Gross Motor Skills
Holden - Fine Motor Skills
Gabby - Speech and Language
Buddy - Social and Emotional
Curie - Cognative Development

Creating the Video

Once we created branding and logos we wanted to make a promotional video in order to draw people into the application, and attract donors below you can see early concepts being built around the application. Using a timeline function in order to track growth as well as the ability to upload images of milestones.

Building the Application

The last step in the process was laying down the wireframing and setting up the front-end developmet, as the sole developer on the team this was primarily my job on our final sprint, below I have included the wirefram and the high fidelity mockups of the early application.